Game 1 Image

We're out of food, Milton.

Status: [Unplayed]

We're out of food, Milton

Provided Description: "WE ARE OUT OF FOOD, MILTON." is a visual novel/walking sim about having to go to the grocery store even though you really don't want to.

The game takes about 5-10 minutes to complete.

Made in RPGMaker VX Ace in somewhere around one to two weeks, if you cut out all the time I spent not working on it.

This game is intended to have a sort of tense atmosphere but I wouldn't really consider it to be a horror game, so if you're looking for something scary you should probably look elsewhere.

There's one ending and no real gameplay, just keep on going until it ends.

The art for this game is amazing >0< i love short little games! The short "plot" looks interesting as well!! can't wait :3

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